A Customer-Centric Holiday Season

What should the “Holiday Season” look like? How do we romance and charm without offending anyone? Sometimes trying too hard to cater to everyone results in catering to no one. 

Holiday presentation in retail spaces tends to bring a lot of debate over being politically correct. Has Christmas become commercially secular enough where it’s not politically incorrect to highlight it? Should it be neutralized as much as possible under one general Holiday umbrella? Should we honour every religious holiday during the holiday season to maximize respect to our audience? What is the right answer? It all boils down to yourcustomer and your brand. 

Retail spaces need to fulfill the customer’s expectations and needs, and create an entertaining atmosphere for a positive experience. They should resonate with the customers. These customers can be drastically different from retailer to retailer. Therefore, it’s important to have a clear understanding of who your main customers are, who your target audience is (and hopefully these two profiles match), to ultimately determine YOUR holiday presentation - it’s all about the customers!

Christmas window display by retail visual merchandising agency